Rebuild Your Body After Umbilical Hernia Surgery (Video 3)
I can’t believe we’ve reached the final video of our series!
So far, you’ve learned the very beginning exercises to strengthen your muscles so you stay umbilical hernia-free. (Because no one wants to go through that repair a second time!)
Plus, these same exercises that strengthen your abdominal muscles will help relieve any hip or back pain you are currently struggling with.
However, in today’s video, we take our exercises to the next level. The key to rebuilding your body after umbilical hernia surgery is to get strengthen your body/mind connection and work accordingly.
Here’s why this is an awesome once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and how you can make the most of your rebuild.
Are you interested in Rebuild| Umbilical Hernia Surgery Recovery?
If you’re ready to learn all the exercises you need to rebuild your body after your umbilical hernia surgery, let me help. I’ll teach you everything I’ve done on myself and with private clients to get your abs back to doing their job and get your body feeling better than ever.
I’m taking pre-orders right now. In October, Rebuild | Umbilical Hernia Surgery Recovery will be released, and it’s going to cost $97.
But, if you pre-order today, you can get it for $49. That’s half-price!
Just click this button and enter READY2REBUILD for your 50% discount!